The Howl of Avooblis Read online

Page 30

  When they finally saw the hillside at Central Crossing in the distance, a blue sparkle was shining in the night at the top. Grizzard gave a yell and whipped the horses for one last burst of speed. He reined them in, skidding at the base of the hillside, where they collided with the headmaster’s vacant cart. The crash broke one of their wheels, and their carriage tipped over. Dagdron leapt safely to the ground as Dugan and Grizzard tumbled from the driver’s seat. As Dugan helped Grizzard up, Dagdron ran to the back of the carriage. He had planned to climb up to open the side door, but he found the trunk space on the underside had broken open, and Kemp rolled out.

  Dagdron drew his dagger and the ragged, fatigued ex-adventurer raised his hands.

  “I was just hitching a ride. I knew the Loftloomburgs would come this way,” Kemp explained.

  Dagdron lunged with his dagger, and Kemp sprinted away, heading straight up the hill. Dagdron climbed up on the carriage just as the door crashed off its hinges and Lita pulled herself out. She and Dagdron helped the other four from the inner chamber, Dagdron taking the bag with the net from Wendahl.

  “It’s time to fulfill our quest!” Earl yelled into the night.

  They raced up the hill. Egon, huffing proudly, pushed his way to the front of the pack. Dagdron, Earl, Lita, and Elloriana followed after him as Grizzard, Wendahl, and Dugan brought up the rear, the younger rogue helping the older men as they scrabbled upward.

  In the middle of the top of the hillside, encircling the place Dagdron and Earl had camped during the summer, the Arches of Avooblis were set up in identical fashion to the stone arches in the Shrine of Avooblis, though spread out at a greater distance. The headmaster was on the west side of the hill, where Scar was wrestling Kemp to the ground.

  Headmaster Gwauldron saw the others arrive, so he quickly stepped up to the west arch crystal, took Mazannanan’s scroll in both hands, and cast a spell to unroll it, sending a blue flash into the sky.

  Then he raised both arms in the airs and started the incantation.

  Chapter 34: The Summoning

  “Arch of Avooblis, I call forth thy glow,

  The power of a portal on thee I bestow.”

  The arch crystal burst with a blue glow and crackled, shooting lightning bolts out to the center of the hillside. The headmaster began casually crossing the hilltop to the east arch.

  Egon rushed toward the Arch of Avooblis on the north side, intent on breaking the triangle. But as soon as he closed in, a magical force field flung him violently backward. Lita and Earl raced over, helping him back to his feet and supporting him as he wobbled back and forth.

  “Dagdron, get the net out,” Wendahl yelled as he, Grizzard, and Dugan reached the top.

  Elloriana moved to help Dagdron, grabbing the bottom of the bag. Dagdron pulled out the net, wadding it tightly in his arms as he felt it squirm of its own accord.

  Scar had subdued Kemp by then, and, dagger in hand, headed toward the group of arrivals. Grizzard brandished his own dagger, crouching lightly on his feet. Scar lunged first but Grizzard reacted quickly, dodging to the side and slicing Scar’s right arm.

  “Old Grizzard hasn’t lost all his reflexes,” Grizzard said, cackling at Scar.

  The headmaster had reached the east arch by then and, standing directly behind it with his arms raised, he shouted,

  “Arch of Avooblis, I call forth thy glow,

  The power of a portal on thee I bestow.”

  The Arch of Avooblis blazed with light as it sent lightning bolts crackling to the center of the hilltop.

  As the headmaster moved toward the north arch, Dugan, Wendahl, Elloriana, Lita, Earl, and Egon—who had regained his steadiness but had charred marks on his arms and face—converged on where Scar and Grizzard were dagger dueling. Scar, seeing that he was vastly outnumbered, fled, circling the hillside to join the headmaster.

  “Let’s gather at the south side,” Wendahl said, motioning with his hoe.

  The group skirted the arches, following the magenta glow of Wendahl’s hoe.

  “We’re at the headmaster’s mercy until he finishes the summoning,” Wendahl said.

  “Gwydion, wait!”

  Everyone turned to look to see Rance, followed by Kas and Wally, reach the top of the hill. The headmaster and Scar were nearing the third arch crystal.

  “I will help you summon Avooblis!” Rance cried.

  The headmaster didn’t reply. Instead, he motioned to Scar, and the stocky rogue ran toward the three enchanters.

  Wendahl waved his hoe to attract everyone’s attention back to him. “As soon as all three arches are activated, the barrier will fall, and we’ll have to get the net to the middle before Avooblis is fully formed. We’ll all carry the net to the center of the hill first. Once Avooblis is bound, we’ll divide for our separate tasks,” Wendahl continued. “Dagdron, Earl, and Lita, you’ll keep watch on the net to make sure Gwydion or anyone else can’t get rid of it.”

  Earl nodded confidently, though his face lost some of its color, and squeezed Dagdron’s shoulder.

  “Dugan and Elloriana, you’re with me. We’ll be focusing on getting Twyla out of the east arch.”

  Dugan, keeping his face expressionless, nodded at Wendahl. Elloriana didn’t respond but squeezed her hands into fists.

  “Grizzard and Egon,” Wendahl said in complete seriousness. “You’re in charge of making sure Mazannanan doesn’t get free.” He handed a blue crystal to Egon as Grizzard gave the magical object a look of loathing. “As soon as Twyla’s free, everyone needs to get outside the borders of the arches, and I’ll do my best to do a reverse incantation.”

  “A reverse incantation?” Elloriana asked. “Is that possible?” When Wendahl didn’t reply, she continued, “Even if it works, you could be sucked back into the arches along with Avooblis.”

  “We’re at the headmaster’s mercy,” Wendahl said again. “If we had done the summoning, we could’ve made other arrangements. But now we just have to work with what we have.”

  “Wendahl, no,” Dugan said.

  “We’re not changing plans,” Wendahl said, swinging a hand and his hoe, signaling for no one else to comment on the matter.

  “I’ll still protect your garden after you’re sucked in,” Dagdron said.

  “I know you will,” Wendahl said, giving the rogue a kind smile and motioning for everyone to look toward where Headmaster Gwauldron was just reaching the north arch crystal. Scar was still chasing Rance, Kas, and Wally, but the three enchanters had split up. They were casting spells in the headmaster’s direction, distracting him.

  “You are not being a garden rogue,” Earl whispered to Dagdron.

  “Let’s spread the net out,” Wendahl said.

  Dagdron unfolded his arms. The net wriggled about, making it difficult for Earl to find one edge and pull it so the others could position themselves around it. Dagdron, Earl, Lita, and Elloriana held one end as Wendahl, Egon, Dugan, and Grizzard grasped the other. Earl tugged the net forward, placing his feet right on the border of the force field.

  “Who knew our days at the academy would bring us here?” Earl said.

  “The headmaster, my dad, and Wendahl, probably,” Dagdron said.

  “One way or another,” Earl said nostalgically, ignoring Dagdron’s reply, “our quests dealing with the Arches of Avooblis will come to an end tonight.”

  “Good,” Dagdron said.

  “Just wait, Dagdron,” Earl said. “If we survive this, the Arches of Avooblis will be forever entwined with our days at the academy, and we’ll reminisce about them for the rest of our lives.”

  “I’d rather get sucked into one of them instead of hearing about them ever again.”

  A stern expression crossed Earl’s face as he glanced at Dagdron.

  “Get ready!” Wendahl said as Headmaster Gwauldron came to a stop in front of the last arch. He had finally decided to forget about Rance, Kas, and Wally and just continue.

  The headmaster lifted his arms in the air a
nd chanted,

  “Arch of Avooblis, I call forth thy glow,

  The power of a portal on thee I bestow.”

  The third Arch of Avooblis joined the other two in refracting pale blue light on the hillside, and the lightning under it shot out to strike with the bolts of the others. There was a blinding flash, and then black smoke billowed out of all three arches.

  “Let’s go!” Earl yelled.

  Dagdron, Earl, Lita, and Elloriana sprinted off, tugging until the four adults matched their pace. The dark smoke swirled around them and lightning flashed across the hillside, but they pressed forward until they reached the center, where they found a ball of swirling black mist. Lightning from the three arch crystals was striking the ball intermittently, causing the mass to pulse and grow bigger with each bolt.

  “We’ll just have to go for it!” Wendahl yelled, ducking as lighting flashed across the hill.

  “On my go!” Earl bellowed, waiting until the next combination of lightning bolts struck. “Go!”

  Earl, Lita, Dagdron, and Elloriana plunged forward through the black smoke, pulling the net with them. They successfully made it to the other side just as lighting struck. The bolts coursed through the strands of the net until they reached the black mass, causing it to pulse electrically.

  “It’s okay,” Wendahl yelled. “Just hold the net steady.”

  “It is not okay,” Headmaster Gwauldron said, appearing through the smoke from the north. He lifted his hands, casting blast-bolts and stun spells at the net holders. Each of them ducked but maintained their grasp on the net.

  “Stay, Egon,” Wendahl yelled. “We need your strength on the net.”

  Egon nodded and Wendahl released the net, taking his hoe with both hands and casting a blast-bolt spell at the headmaster. Gwydion dodged, allowing Wendahl to make his way around the net, and the two enchanters began dueling.

  “Don’t unleash this on the land!” Wendahl yelled, thrusting his hoe forward, launching three blast-bolts at once.

  “I’m not! I’m going to control Avooblis and bring peace to the land!” The headmaster brought both hands together in a swift motion, casting a giant lightning ball at Wendahl.

  “You call this peace?” Wendahl hobbled to the side, just dodging the spell.

  “Avooblis will be controlled.” The headmaster followed up with a stun spell from each hand. Wendahl raised his hoe and blocked them.

  “Didn’t you pay attention to the treasure quest your students were completing?” Wendahl took up the offensive, cartwheeling his hoe so that it launched flame, blast-bolt, and lightning spells at the headmaster. “They faced elementals and evil creatures. Hasn’t your research over so many years given you the knowledge of Avooblis’s true power? He controls the elements and the dark creatures.”

  “You don’t understand true power,” the headmaster yelled back. “My magic is great enough to keep him under submission.”

  Before Headmaster Gwauldron could cast more spells at Wendahl, the entire hillside shook as the lightning bolts from the three Arches of Avooblis began striking at faster intervals. The crashes of lightning were so forceful that everyone, including the headmaster and Wendahl, ducked from the static that crackled through the air.

  Headmaster Gwauldron got to his feet first. As Wendahl struggled, using his hoe to pull himself off the ground, the headmaster raised his arms in the air. As he chanted the final incantation, his voice rose even above the crackling lightning bolts.

  “Oh, Avooblis, listen and obey my cry,

  Thy entrance to this world grows nigh.

  Three arch crystals blaze and jolt,

  Crackling lightning bolt by bolt.

  By power of magic I issue my command,

  To invite and welcome thee to the land.

  With this incantation I set thee free,

  Oh, Avooblis, I summon thee!”

  The black mass of mist pulsed with rage until, suddenly, it lurched upward, growing swiftly and taking shape. The net was yanked out of everyone’s hands, except for Dagdron and Egon’s, who clung tightly to their respective ends.

  “Oh my heck,” Earl said as everyone looked upward at the billowing black being that had formed. The body was one long column, and his arms and hands bulged as if muscular. The demonic head was trapped underneath the magenta net, but the light blue eyes—the same color as the Arches of Avooblis—glared ferociously and hypnotically through the strands.

  Avooblis had been summoned.

  Chapter 35: Release & Reward

  “Let’s move!” Lita roared, breaking everyone out of their fearful, stunned trances.

  “Pull the net down!” Wendahl yelled to Dagdron and Egon.

  “Grizzard, catch!” Egon yelled. He released the net with one hand, reached into his pocket, and tossed down the blue crystal. Grizzard caught it.

  Egon began tugging on the net, expanding the strands. On the opposite side, Dagdron swung back and forth, using his momentum to make up for his lesser weight and pulling the net farther down on his side.

  “No!” Headmaster Gwauldron yelled, angling his hands upward and casting spells at Egon and Dagdron.

  “Elloriana and Dugan, you’re with me,” Wendahl said. “Earl and Lita, go with Grizzard.”

  They lingered momentarily, watching Dagdron and Egon wrestle with the net while trying to avoid the headmaster’s spells, but then turned to run toward the east and west arches. As they went, they heard the headmaster shout.

  “Avooblis, I have summoned thee!”

  As Earl and Lita sprinted to the west arch with Grizzard coming behind them as fast as his old bones would move, they passed Scar, Rance, Kas, and Wally. Scar held his dagger to Wally’s throat, but they were all frozen, staring at Avooblis. The sound of footsteps broke them from their trances. Scar released Wally and ran toward the headmaster. Rance chased after him, followed hesitantly by Kas and Wally.

  Earl, Lita, and Grizzard hurried the rest of the way to the Arch of Avooblis, which was still flashing lightning bolts intermittently. Just as they arrived, an especially powerful bolt of lightning struck and a cloud of blue smoke billowed from the crystal. When the mist cleared, standing with his hunched back in his mottled brown robe was Mazannanan.

  “Young fighters, you have done it,” Mazannanan said, looking at Earl and Lita. He smiled his uncanny grin, which, now coming from his physical body, was even creepier than the many times Earl and Lita had witnessed it in the shrine.

  “Enough of that,” Grizzard said. He tossed the blue crystal at Mazannanan’s feet, and a column shot upward, trapping the wizard.

  Mazannanan pressed both hands against his prison before narrowing his eyes at Grizzard. But then his face broke out in a grin again, and he lifted his arms in the air and tilted his head toward the sky.

  “Come to me!” Mazannanan yelled.

  Nothing happened.

  Earl, Lita, and Grizzard took a step back as the wizard lowered his arms, grinning at them.

  “Should we go help the others?” Earl asked.

  Before Grizzard or Lita could reply, a whizzing sounded in the night, and a red comet appeared in the northwestern sky. The grin never left Mazannanan’s face as Earl, Lita, and Grizzard watched the object zoom toward them. The comet crashed right through the column prison, and the staff that had zapped them in Mazannanan’s trove stuck into the ground. The wizard cast a fetch spell and the staff flew into his hands. He lifted it, cast a blast-bolt spell, and flung Grizzard ten feet backward with the impact.

  “You assisted me well in the shrine and on my treasure quest, so I will allow you to walk free,” Mazannanan said. “But do not meddle again this night.”

  The wizard smiled at them and then, using his staff as a walking stick, headed toward Avooblis.

  Earl and Lita raced to where Grizzard was groaning on the ground.

  “Nasty magic,” Grizzard said, but he held up both hands for Earl and Lita to pull him to his feet.

  On the opposite side of the hill, W
endahl, Dugan, and Elloriana approached the east crystal. The arch was still glowing and discharging lightning every once in a while.

  “Stand close, Dugan,” Wendahl instructed. “Elloriana and I will fetch Twyla out.”

  Dugan approached the left side of the Arch of Avooblis, and Elloriana stepped to Wendahl’s side. Together, the enchanter and enchantress cast fetch spells into the arch crystal. The rings whooshed into the crystal, bringing a bolt of lightning back with them. They dodged as the lightning struck between them. They continued the fetch spells, but all they ever retrieved were lightning bolts and blue mist. Twyla never appeared.

  “She’s got to be in there somewhere,” Wendahl said. “Keep casting.”

  Dugan looked toward them, keeping his face expressionless to hide the hopeful beating of his heart.

  In the center of the hillside, Dagdron and Egon had succeeded in stretching the net down to the midway point of Avooblis’s body, restraining his arms. The evil being thrashed viciously, but Wendahl’s magical net stuck to his body, impeding him from moving freely.

  From his high position, Dagdron watched the east and west arches in between swings to avoid the headmaster’s spells. He had seen the column trap Mazannanan, but he had also watched the comet break him free. On the opposite side, he noticed that Wendahl and the wench had had no luck at retrieving his dad’s wife from the arch crystal.

  Dagdron was distracted by voices below and looked down to see Scar, Rance, Kas, and Wally arrive.

  “We will help you, Gwydion,” Rance said.

  “I do not need assistance,” the headmaster replied. “Keep them away.” He motioned to Scar.